Merry Christmas and a Happy 2006 from the Witowski Family of Austin, Texas!


Grand Canyon Backpacking Trip – Thanksgiving Break 2005




Joyce and her brother Chuck at the Pirates game before their kidney transplant surgery in August.


We have had a fantastic year with all our family and individual activities. The biggest highlight of the year was that Joyce donated a kidney to her brother Chuck.  The dual operation with her and her brother took place at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in early August. Joyce and Chuck underwent the surgery simultaneously.  The surgery was on Monday morning and she was discharged on Wednesday; Keeping her spirits up at her Mom’s house, she was doing computer work on Friday. Her brother Chuck is also doing extremely well with his new kidney.  His blood chemistry is in the normal range and he feels wonderful although he keeps calling Bob and telling him what he needs to be doing (just kidding). We are thankful for everyone that prayed for her and supported her throughout the surgery!


Joyce’s work at KLA-Tencor is going very well. Her travels have brought her to Germany, France, and Shanghai China this past year.


Bob has sold the tutoring business. He really enjoyed working with the kids so he is now working towards his teaching certificate for High School Math and Science. He has been subbing at the high school in these areas and really enjoys it a lot.




Garrett and Alexa outside the Pirates Game at PNC Park in Pittsburgh. We spent the week there while Mom went through her surgery with uncle Chuck.

Garrett is now a 6th grader and now in middle school! We can’t believe that we do not have kids in elementary school anymore!


He crossed over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts in March of 2005 and is now a 2nd Class scout with Troop 30.  Scouts is keeping him very busy.  Since last March he has been camping out with his troop for 25 nights!  He went to two summer camps with one being in Cloudcroft NM where it was nice and cool compared to the camp in Bastrop TX where it was HOT! He and dad are heading to winter camp from December 26 to December 30 but it is in Texas so it won’t be too cold!


Garrett had some tough times with his wrestling and playing soccer this last year! Over the Christmas holiday last year he ended up jumping from a neighbors steps and chipping a bone in his ankle.  That put a quick halt to his wrestling last year.  This year he has had a device put in his mouth called a Herbst which is not compatible with wrestling.  When he was playing goalie in his second game this year, he stopped a shot but it ended up giving him a small fracture in his wrist so his soccer was over for the year.


Garrett took up the trumpet this year in band and is really enjoying it a lot. He has learned so much and is doing great at it. I am always so impressed with musicians since I know nothing about music!




Garrett at Scout Camp Rappelling out the door of the climbing tower 50 feet above the ground!


Garrett receiving his 2nd Class Rank at Troop 30 Court of Honor.


Alexa batting.  She had a very good year in softball with an on-base percentage of over .700!  She has a great eye and, while not a long hitter, is very consistent.


Alexa and her friend Ann at the lake clowning around!

Alexa had a great year as well. She is in 8th grade this year and heading to, I dare say it, the High School next year.  She continues to do very well in school and is a member of the Junior Honor Society.  Math is her favorite subject and she is taking 10th grade Geometry as an 8th grader.


Alexa has really enjoyed playing softball again this year.  She plays year-round except for December and half of January. He team last year took a trip to Orlando for a national tournament where they finished sixth out of 18 teams. She is looking forward ot playing next year in high school. She has decided to stop diving, mainly because school/softball and bassoon are taking so much time and the dive pool near our house has closed.


She continues to do great with the Bassoon.  She made the 1st chair for bassoon at every Texas Music Educators Association event this last year! She sat as the primary bassoonist for the Central Texas Regional Middle School Orchestra and for the Central Texas Regional Middle School Band.






While Mom was recovering from her kidney surgery with Uncle Chuck, who could pass up a trip to Kennywood!



We had a really nice spring break at Northstar in Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe is not very crowded during the Texas Spring Break so we enjoy it there very much!




When Alexa’s softball team went to Florida for a tournament we were able to visit with Nana and Bob’s sister’s family near Tampa.



We enjoy going to the University of Texas football games in the fall. It is quite a spectacle and lots of fun at the tailgate parties! Hook’em Horns!  The Eyes of Texas are Upon You!



At the inner gorge of the Grand Canyon!



Checking out the walls of the canyon during one of the breaks.


Grand Canyon National Park



We were able to make it to the park over the Thanksgiving break this year. We stayed one night in Flagstaff AZ where we visited some volcanoes and toured the Lowell Observatory.  This is where the planet Pluto was discovered. Below, Garrett was able to adjust the large telescope during our tour.






We spent the first night at the Kachina Lodge on the canyon rim. The next morning we backpacked down over 3000 feet and over 4.5 miles into the canyon where we set up camp and had lunch. We then went another 3.0 miles out and back to the edge of the inner gorge of the canyon.


After dinner it was an early night to bed.  The next morning we headed UP 3000’ over the same 4.5 miles.  It only took us 4 hours 45 minutes to make the climb out.  That night we stayed on the rim at the Kachina lodge.


The next morning we got up early and headed to Phoenix for a great Thanksgiving with Uncle Don and his family along with Todd Raymond and his family.  In all there was over 20 people there! It reminded me of the Thanksgivings we used to have in Syracuse when I was growing up; the only difference was that I was not getting into trouble!







Thanks for coming to We hope that you have a Merry Christmas as well as wonderful New Year!



Bob, Joyce, Alexa, and Garrett


You can always reach us at our emails using our first (Bob, Joyce, Alexa or Garrett)


Updated by Bob on 12/20/05